Berry Lake is the Distribution channel, Commercialization and Exports which has agreements with different members of the PMA as well as supermarket chains in the United States and Mexico following quality standards as well as best practices established by the Global Food Safety program and Mexico Quality Gap or Mexico Supreme Primus Gap and Gap GSF and manages brands FRESH MEX BERRYS and Berry Lake


Berry Lake has been Qualified for Assistance in the production so as to provide the necessary training for different staff certifications. With the support of providers for the same market as well as staffing for Senasica Cesavejal, and talks by BUMA (Good Housekeeping of Agrochemicals) and GAP (Good Agricultural Practices)


Direct financing or purchasing at affordable prices by volume purchases as integrator.


There will be a Financing line through funding spreader with Nacional Financiera (before Financiera Rural) to give their Producers and members different types credits.

Plant or Root Credit:

In this credit you can finance up to 50%

Enabling or Avio Credit: (For Working Capital)

Purpose of Credit:

With this type of credit you can finance the purchase of commodities (fertilizers plant seed Etc.) and materials for cultivation, as well as payment of  salaries and expenses from direct operating

Individuals and Legal Entities


Simple Credit:

Purpose of Credit:

This type of credit is more flexible because it does not have a specific destination, as it can be used to support working capital requirements, finance investments such as the acquisition of assets or Capital Goods.

Individuals and Legal Entities

Personas Físicas y Personas Morales


Creation of a post-harvest center for the collection of fresh product that allows the producer to get the most of your crop through different processes and rating and classification of products.

And the use and acquisition of infrastructure such as crop protection production under TUNNEL MACRO system whereby the producer gets more production and better quality.


Distribution channel

Berry Lake is the distribution, marketing and export channel which has agreements with different members of the PMA and supermarket chains in the United States following standards of quality and safety practices established by Global-Gap and Mexico Supreme Quality program or Mexico-Gap and Primus Lab and manages the brand and BERRY FRESH MEX BERRYS LAKE.
